Here you have many common Italian expressions used in everyday life. In particular I would like to share with you many useful Italian phrases to use with kids. Why am i doing that? Because I think that a good way for practicing the language, even if you live outside Italy, is speaking with your familiy using some Italian phrases in your everyday life.

Useful Italian phrases to use with kids in everyday life

It’s time to get up. => E’ ora di alzarsi.
What do you want for breakfast?  => Che cosa volete per colazione?
Time to get dressed.  => E’ ora di vestirsi.
Are you ready?  => Siete pronti?
The breakfast is ready.  => La colazione è pronta.
Did you brush your teeth?  => Avete lavato i denti?
It’s time to go.  => E’ ora di andare.
You need to hurry!  => Dovete sbrigarvi!
Can you please clean up your room?  => Potete mettere in ordine la vostra stanza?
Time for dinner.  => E’ ora di cena.
What do you have for homework?  => Cosa avete per compiti?
Turn the volume down. => Abbassare il volume.
Speak softly. => Parlate piano / a bassa voce.
You need totake a shower.  => Avete bisogno di una doccia.
Put your clothes in the laundry room.  => Mettere i vostri vestiti a lavare.
Please stop! Be good. => Per favore basta! Siate buoni.
It’s time to go to bed. => E’ ora di andare a letto.

Note: all the Italian phrases have to be intended as addressed to more than one kid. So in eachone the sencond person plural (VOI, You All) is used.

Useful Italian phrases to use with kids in everyday life

Useful Italian phrases to use with kids in everyday life

The picture here above is taken from an old Italian Dictionary drowed and written by Richard Scarry.


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